Saturday, May 13, 2023



In C, bitwise operators are used to perform operations at the bit level of operands. They manipulate individual bits within variables. Bitwise operators are particularly useful for low-level programming, such as working with binary data, setting/clearing specific bits, or implementing certain algorithms.


Here are the bitwise operators available in C:


1. Bitwise AND (&): Performs a bitwise AND operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. The result has a 1 bit only if both bits are 1.


   int a = 10;   // Binary: 1010

   int b = 6;    // Binary: 0110

   int result = a & b;   // Binary result: 0010 (Decimal: 2)


2. Bitwise OR (|): Performs a bitwise OR operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. The result has a 1 bit if either of the bits is 1.


   int a = 10;   // Binary: 1010

   int b = 6;    // Binary: 0110

   int result = a | b;   // Binary result: 1110 (Decimal: 14)


3. Bitwise XOR (^): Performs a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. The result has a 1 bit if the two bits are different.


   int a = 10;   // Binary: 1010

   int b = 6;    // Binary: 0110

   int result = a ^ b;   // Binary result: 1100 (Decimal: 12)


4. Bitwise NOT (~): Performs a bitwise NOT operation, which flips the bits of the operand. Each 0 bit becomes 1, and each 1 bit becomes 0.


   int a = 10;   // Binary: 1010

   int result = ~a;   // Binary result: 0101 (Decimal: -11, due to two's complement representation)


5. Left Shift (<<): Shifts the bits of the left operand to the left by the number of positions specified by the right operand.


   int a = 5;    // Binary: 0101

   int result = a << 2;   // Binary result: 10100 (Decimal: 20)


6. Right Shift (>>): Shifts the bits of the left operand to the right by the number of positions specified by the right operand. It can be a logical right shift (fills with 0) or an arithmetic right shift (fills with the sign bit on signed values).


   int a = 20;   // Binary: 10100

   int result = a >> 2;   // Binary result: 00101 (Decimal: 5)

These bitwise operators allow you to manipulate the individual bits within integers or other suitable data types. They are useful in scenarios such as setting or clearing specific bits, checking bit flags, or performing other bitwise operations.

Saturday, May 6, 2023




In C, the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators are used to increase or decrease the value of a variable by one, respectively. These operators can be applied to both integer and floating-point variables.


1. Increment Operator (++):

The increment operator (++) increases the value of a variable by one.


int x = 5;

x++;  // x becomes 6

In this example, the value of `x` is incremented by one using the increment operator.


2. Decrement Operator (--):

The decrement operator (--) decreases the value of a variable by one.



int y = 7;

y--;  // y becomes 6


In this example, the value of `y` is decremented by one using the decrement operator.


Both the increment and decrement operators can be used in different contexts:


- Pre-increment and Pre-decrement: When the increment or decrement operator is placed before the variable (++x or --x), it is called pre-increment or pre-decrement. The value of the variable is first incremented or decremented, and then the updated value is used in the expression.


- Post-increment and Post-decrement: When the increment or decrement operator is placed after the variable (x++ or x--), it is called post-increment or post-decrement. The current value of the variable is used in the expression, and then the value is incremented or decremented.




int a = 5;

int b = ++a;  // pre-increment: a becomes 6, b is assigned the value of a (6)

int c = a--;  // post-decrement: c is assigned the current value of a (6), then a becomes 5



It's important to note that using the increment or decrement operators multiple times within the same expression can lead to undefined behavior. Also, the increment and decrement operators have a higher precedence than most other operators, so their effects can be observed immediately.


  BITWISE OPERATOR In C, bitwise operators are used to perform operations at the bit level of operands. They manipulate individual bits with...